Wednesday 7 October 2015

Week 2: Cinematography: Roger Deakins and tasks to complete.

Task: Watch this sequence and analyse how Andrew Dominick (Director) and Roger Deakins
(Cinematography) use lighting and camera to create mood, atmosphere,tension and meaning.

Discuss with colleagues and make a 100-200 word blog entry on your observations.

Repeat the task using the clip below

 Roger Deakins :"I prefer shooting with a single camera simply because I don't like shooting generic 'coverage'. I believe in constructing a shot that has purpose within a scene rather than leaving it to the editor to cut something out of coverage"

Task: Research a Cinematographer and their collaboration with Directors.
Prepare a presentation to show to class in Week 3. (5 mins approx)

Task:  In groups of three, create a one minute sequence that incorporates as much variety of camera movements that you can. This could be a chase scene for example.
Add to your blog and post it here too.

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